Legalize Polygamy?

We are dealing with this topic in the context of Christian Polygyny. Polygamist are trying to ride in the coattails of the success of gay marriage to be accepted socially and legally. Regardless of the fact that one rebuttal of the anti-gay group in blocking gay marriage is that it opens up the opportunity for polygamists to push their agenda. I said "their" because polygamists are a very diverse group and have various reasons behind their causes and most of those reasons have nothing to do with following the word of the One True God.

So let us limit this particular topic to Biblical Christian polygamy. Do we really believe that a Christian man marrying two or more women will be accepted by society at large and their marriage made legal or accepted by the government? If polygamy is indeed allowed by God and is part of His truth, then is there a chance that it will be accepted by the nations?

My point is... this present world and time is not His and, during the end times, deceit will rule the world. The churches will follow false doctrine, installing and following teachers who will give them what they want to hear. So if polygamy is part of God's truth, then they will try to block and deny it as part of Satan's strategy to undermine His authority among men.

Fact, if we review history, that is what happened for the past 2,000 years. Right after Jesus/Yeshua died on the cross and ascended to heaven, polygyny was systematically erased from the norm. The concept of one man being able to love, protect, and take care of more than one woman was "demonized."  It was replaced by Greek notion of the one true love, of soulmates. Instead of love being taught to women, jealousy and conflict were given prominence.

So do we even move to have Christian polygamy legalized? Do we try to become "normal" people in a society, living "nomal" lives? What is considered "normal" today definitely has some serious issues against the word of God.

I believe that Christian polygynists should keep the laws of man an arm's length away. We should not try to be integrated into society, we're only wasting our effort in inconsequential things. We should strive to spread the truth about Christian polygyny. We should strive to live the guidelines set forth in the word of God so people can discern the truth in the way we live and act. That way, other Christians may accept the truth about polygamy so we can live harmoniously together.

There are ways we can do polygamy without coming directly under the legal authority of governments and without breaking any of man's law. However, there is a good chance we will be shunned by our neighbours, maybe ostracised. That is not a bad thing. That is part of believing in Jesus/Yeshua as our Lord and Saviour, especially in the end times. We might even face death in the future for supporting Christian polygamy.

The Bible expressly warmed us in 1 Timothy 4 of men (false teachers?) departing from the faith and following false doctrines (of the devil). Specifically, teachings... forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth (1 Timothy 4:3).

We cannot be part of this world.

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